Stuporbowl results are in!
Official results page is available on the myspace page, here. Official copy of the official results page is available here...
Stupor Bowl XI Results
STUPOR BOWL XI RESULTS (winning time, 4:31pm)
1. Susan Lee 2. Andy Lambert 3. Tim "Superrookie" Hayes (ex MPLS messenger) 4. Matt "Little Guy" Allen (top working MPLS Messenger) 5. Jeff Frane (Bike Jerk) 6. Spencer (ex MPLS messenger) 7. Matt Swanson 8. Jeff Perkins (Chicago Messenger, 1st out of town) 9. Joe Goemaat 10. Mat West 11. Carrie (St. Paul Messenger) 12.Andy Mortenson (MPLS Messenger) 13. Sam Hulin 14. Austin (NYC Messenger, 2nd out of town, Reigning CMWC Champ) 15. Ben Lagerquist 16. Sean O (ex MPLS messenger) 17. Trevor 18. Katie (ex Philadelphia Messenger) 19. Chops 20. Steph Sibet (MPLS Messenger) 21. Andrew Nordyke (3rd out of town, Chicago Messenger) 22. Mark E. 23. Marie Snyder 24. Alicia Dvorak 25. Jerry Jerome Jeremy Fuchs (MPLS messenger)
STUPOR CHAMPS: Zito & Kelly Mack
Track Stand: Noah
Congrats to Susan! First Female overall champion in Stupor Bowl history! it was about time that happened! Congrats to all the champs! Thanks for coming out-- we had close to 360 registered. Hope y'all had a blast. Cheers!
Andy & Nick / Stupor Bowl XI
------------------------------ Congratulations go out to Andy and Nick for organizing and pulling off yet another incredible event. Props to the hundreds of people who went and hugs for the elite few that volunteered. A special thanks for making a map that is readable on the back of the manifest!
Stuporbowl XI saw two of the top three out of town spots get snatched up by the Cuttin' Crew. 1st place outta towner went to Jeff and 3rd place was taken by Andrew. Expect a 74 page race report from Jeff on this one but please have patience. MPLS showed out and he's still hungover.