...and now a word from our sponsors
Racing isn't cheap. It's no secret that we can use all the help we can get. We're lucky, though. We've got partners in this, sponsors that are down with what we're trying to do, and they're helping us get there one way or another.
So we've made some changes to the site in 2009, to get more eyeballs on them. So do yourself a favor, check them out, over on the left side of the page...yeah, keep going, all the way down. Because they're not just supporting the crew, they are supporting Chicagoland racing. Those prizes and primes don't grow on trees.
With that said, we're gonna take a short commercial break: Get yourself over to the Lake Cycling warehouse sale on Saturday May 30th. You shouldn't just go because they're local, and they support local teams like us. You should go because they'll have good stuff cheap. 1315 Sherman Place, 10-5. Grab the flyer for more info.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming. We'll have a full writeup of the Iowa adventure shortly.