Road Trip!

Variety certainly is the spice of life. More than 6 months back, our fine neighbors over at Sportcrafters rollers consulted with us about their interest in doing a cyclocross race. Aside from making incredible rollers along with great customer service just a coupla yards over, they really turned up the notch on making what looks to be a fun day of racing. This next Sunday at TK Lawless park in Michigan (about 2-2.5 hours away) they will be hosting a race/party and we would be hard pressed to miss it.

On Sunday, October 24th the bus will be leaving rather early (7am?) to make sure we get plenty of time to drink some locally made pale ales, delicious food and take in some serious racing on the cheap! It would be great if you wanted to join us. Feel free to jump in a race, it's only $15 if you pre-register online! You could always come along to just chill on the couches, grill and drink. Road trip!


I highly recommend digging around for your favorite VHS and jumping on board the love bus to get your ass a little bit of the good stuff!

*thanks simon